Charter for LLC

Registration of an LLC in Armenia is a very fast and simple procedure that requires a minimum number of documents and takes up to 1 hour.

Registration is carried out according to the "one window" system. As a result of registration, the applicant receives a state registration number, a taxpayer identification number, as well as a personal account number of a payment card for social payments.

  • Passport of the Founder of LLC

  • Charter, which you can use the standard version. We provide it on this page.

  • Decision of founders on founding a LLC

  • Requirements 1-5 (application form, certificate of real beneficiaries, charter of a legal entity approved by the founder (founders), decision of the founders on the creation of a legal entity and application) are formed upon registration at the box office. The officer will give them to you and you can complete and sign them on the spot.

Click on Picture to Upload a PDF Guide of step-by-step instruction for Registration of The Company

To download example of the Charter for LLC, pleace click to the icon

Decision of founders on founding a LLC

Requirements 1-5, Application form

To download an Example of the Registration Certificate of LLC, pleace click to the icon

State Register of Armenia

Adress: 49/3 Komitas ave., Yerevan, Armenia Weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00
Tel: +37410201445 / +37410201461